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Outcomes your child should have already achieved, is learning or working towards learning

  • Counting to at least 30, starting at random numbers.  For a challenge have your child count to 100 or more

  • Counting backward from 10 starting at random numbers

  • Subitizing (automatically recognizing) dot patterns up to 6.  For a challenge, they can try up to 10 or more. Recognizing 10 frames, tally marks and finger patterns to 10.

  • Can count of group of 10 or more objects.

  • Be able to draw a picture when given a number

  • print numbers properly to 8

  • Can identify, create, extend and reproduce patterns using sounds, manipulative and actions

  • Use measurement to compare two objects based on a single attribute, such as length (height), mass (weight), and volume (capacity).

  • Sort 3D objects using a single attribute like size or shape

  • Create their own 3D object

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Math: Academics


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